25./26./27. October
20:00 h

Der Wanderfalke (premiere)

A format between lecture and music theater based on the text “Der Wanderfalke” by John Alec Baker.

composition: Daniel Ott

Instrument building, co-composition: Stephan Froleyks

participants: fringe ensemble, Bettina Marugg, Caroline Scholz Ott, Arturo Portugal, Vera Seedorf, Frank Heuel, Annika Ley.

premiere: 25th of october 2024 at 8 pm.

Theater im Ballsaal, Frongasse 9, 53121 Bonn

05. September

6/7 gare du sud (2014/20)

version 2020, for bass clarinet, harp, violin & violoncello

staged by: Ensemble Proton

Musikfestival Bern, Switzerland

24. & 25. August

“Unter Wolberg” sound action at sunrise

Urban Mäder, Enrico Stolzenburg, Daniel Ott (collective composition)

meeting point: 5 am at Schulhaus Oltingen

Performers: Julian Schmidlin, countertenor; Rebecca Minten, bass clarinet; Alexander Prill & Marc Baltrons, saxophone; André Meier, trumpet; Adrian Albaladejo, trombone; Jeanne Larrouturou, Mila Comel, Pablo Mena Escudero, Alejandro Neves Sarriegui & Daniel Laposi, percussion; Ensemble ad libitum; Ensemble ImproNext; Women’s choir L’Heure Du Choer & singers from Oltingen

Conductor: Barbara Frey

Festival Neue Musik Rümlingen, Oltingen, Switzerland

31. May – 10. June

On the Way

Munich Biennale for new music theater 2024.

Munich Biennale 2024, Germany

16. April


Premiere of the film documentary by Reinhard Manz in Basel.

Stadtkino Basel (cinema), Switzerland

17. November, others: 18.11., 19.11., 22.11., 03.12., 04.12. , 09.12., 10.12., 18.12., 19.12., 20.12.,19.01. & 22.01.2024

Unter dem Meer (premiere)

Opera Family play by Familie Flöz

Based on motifs from ’20 000 Leagues Under the Sea’ by Jules Verne, with music by Erik Satie and Daniel Ott

Composition – Daniel Ott
Production and masks – Familie Flöz,
Hajo Schüler
Stage – Simeon Meier
Costumes – Mascha Schubert

Maskplayers – Anna Kistel, Fabian Baumgarten, Mats Süthoff,
Saxophone – Alejandro Oliván López, Luis Homedes Lopez, Miguel Fernández, Philippe Körper, Marcus Weiss, Remo Schnyder
drums – Mikołaj Rytowski, Santiago Villar, Alexandre Ferreira Silva
Electric Guitar – Maurizio Grandinetti, Chris Moy
Sder Schaft, Julian Schmidlin

Theater BaselSwitzerland

04. June

Briesetal Fragmente (UA)

composition – Daniel Ott

trumpet – Paul Hübner

percussion – Rie Watanabe

Galeriechoir Schönow

Waldschule Briesetal, Schweiz

26 – 29 May

Schlossmediale Werdenberg

Schlossmediale Werdenberg
molto semplicemente for accordion (1989)

Werdenberg fragments for trumpet, steeldrums
and voices (2021/23) UA

Linden fragments for accordion (2022/23) UA

Seestück (2021) UA

Werdenberg Castle, Switzerland

1 – 20 February

molto semplicemente
frammenti per pieve
caina u.a.

Tour of Brasil and Bolivia with Hans Koch, saxophone and Christophe
Dufaux, accordion

Rio de Janeiro, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Sucre, La Paz

24 & 26 & 28 June


Music theatre for two performers

Bettina Marugg
Eva Nievergelt

Alte Feuerwache Köln

As part of the KGNM – Cologne Society of New Music 

Bonn Art Centre

As part of the “theaterimballsaal” “Spiele ohne Grenzen” (games without borders) Festival

18 & 20 August


Machine music for 50 freight containers, washing machine orchestra and others

Rümlingen Festival

17 September – 08 October


International master class with: Anna Viebrock,
Joan La Barbara, Calixto Bieito, Douglas Irving
Repetto, Jannis Kounellis, Ruedi Häusermann

17 December
19:00 - 22:00 h


Mobile music für 200 instrumentalists, paternoster

For Landscapes in Görlitz/ Zgorzelic along the river Neisse

Anna Clementi, voice
Wu Wei, sheng
Olga Mishula, dulcimer
Co Streiff, saxophone
Hans Koch, saxophone
Peter Schärli, trumpet
Werner Hasler, trumpet
Michele Lomuto, trombone
Bettina Buchmann, accordion
Christophe Dufaux, accordion
Konstantinos Raptis, accordion
John Eckhardt, double bass
Jan Schlegel, electric bass
Sylvia Zytynska, percussion
Stephan Froleyks, percussion
Tomas Ondrusek, percussion
Zgorzelec Mandolin Orchestra
Görlitz Marching Band
Fröhlich Music School Accordion Orchestra
Youth Symphony Orchestra & Youth Wind Orchestra
& Big-Band of the Adam Hiller Music School
Markersdorf brass group
Bigband El. Turow

Thomas Kiemle, direction
Dorothée von Rosenberg Lipinsky, costume
Tobias Müller-Kopp, musical preparation

31 January
19:00 h

Dieter Schnebel: “körpersprache”
Daniel Ott: “klangsprache”

Museum for Communication, Berlin
As part of the “lange Nacht der Museen” (day of long museum opening times)

Performers: Students of the Berlin University of the Arts

5 – 8 February

New Music Theatre

As part of the “Making new Waves” Festival

Franz Liszt Music Academy, Budapest

7 February

For Bunita Marcus
Morton Feldman

Concert as part of the “Making new Waves” Festival

Trafó, House of Contemporary Art, Budapest

Daniel Ott, piano

2 April
17:30 h

26/5 – 2/4

Concert installation for 4 harps, 6 percussionists,
2 accordions, 2 double basses, trumpet, saxophone,
Electric guitar and electric bass (world premiere of the new version)

Aircraft hall, Lucerne transport museum (Switzerland)

As part of the “musik & raum” congress

8 & 9 May
18:00 h


Sound event for children’s choir
4 accordions and 2 percussionists (World Premiere)
Alte Seifenfabrik, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland)

Children’s choir of the Biel Music School
Conductor: Jean-Luc Gassmann

23 & 24 July


Open-air concert installation (World Premiere)

Freiburg im Breisgau in the courtyard of the old University
Fest der Innenhöfe

ensemble zampugn
Co Streiff, saxophone
Wu Wei, sheng
Olga Mischula, dulcimer
Bettina Buchmann, accordion
Christophe Dufaux, accordion
Jan Schlegel, electric bass
John Eckhardt, double bass
Christian Dierstein, percussion
Christian Gerber, accordion
Hans Koch, bass-clarinet
Rajesh Mehta, trumpet

20 & 21 August


New Music Festival

Festival Rümlingen (Switzerland)

with Dino Saluzzi, bandoneon
Lauren Newton, voice
Garth Knox, viola
Misato Mayumi, sho
Erwin Stache, instrument builder
Arpad Dobriban, culinary artist

11 September

beschleunigung. lokhalle.9/04

New work in the locomotive-hall for 23 musicians (ensemble zampugn) beschleunigungen (accelerations) (world premiere)

Festival Experiment Geschwindigkeit

ensemble zampugn and others.:
Co Streiff, saxophone
Rajesh Mehta, trumpet
Christophe Dufaux, accordion
Jan Schlegel, electric bass

12 September

John Cage: »il treno«

Music for a moving train – in collaboration with
the University of Arts Berlin & Deutsche Bahn

Festival Experiment Geschwindigkeit

19 September – 10 October


International masterclass with: Peter Weitzner, Jurij A. Vasiljev,
Maria Elena Amos, Ruedi Häusermann, Vinko Globokar,
César Brie

30 October

ojota IV

Music theatre (2000) about shoes/steps/pathways

Münster i. Westfalen

Anna Clementi, voice
Francoise Rivalland, cymbalom
Chico Mello, guitar/clarinet
Michele Lomuto, trombone
Thomas Meixner, percussion
Christophe Dufaux, accordion
Andreas Edelblut, actor
Stephan Lohse, actor

15 November
21:00 h

ojota III

Music theatre about shoes, steps, pathways

Goethe-Institut, Rom
As part of the series “MUSICA EXPERIMENTO”

Anna Clementi, voice
Francoise Rivalland, santur
Chico Mello, guitar/clarinet
Michele Lomuto, trombone
Tomas Ondrusek, percussion

02 December
20:00 h

Music theatre for two voices (World Premiere)
Bettina Marugg & Eva Nievergelt, voice

Gare du Nord, Basel

Other events: 02, 04, 05, 10 & 12 of December

groundzero theatre, Baden

Théâtre La Fourmi, Luzern

19.01. & 22.01.

Unter dem Meer (premiere)

Opera / Family opera work by Familie Flöz.

theater Basel, Switzerland

12 January
20:00 h


Music theatre for 2 Performers

Eva Nievergelt
Bettina Marugg

Institut Francais de Berlin

27 August/ 2 + 3 September
19:00 h

Hafenbecken I + II

Music for 68 instruments (World Premiere)

In the Kleinhüningen Harbour, Basel

Basel Sinfonietta
Jürg Henneberger, musical direction
Angela Zímmermann, costume
Michael Gööck, lighting design
Enrico Stolzenburg, direction

9 -10 September


Chamber music, music theatre and more by Chaya Czernowin,
Silvia Ocougne, Ruedi Häusermann,
Jürg Kienberger, Jean-Luc Hervé,
Hans Wüthrich, Mischa Käser,
Erwin Stache, Walter Zimmermann, Rajesh Mehta and others.

Rümlingen Festival, Switzerland


24 September – 15 October


International master class with: Lauren Newton, R. Murray Schafer,
Jürg Kienberger, Francoise Rivalland, Georges
Aperghis, Hugo Gretler, Philippe Gaulier,
Jurij A. Vasiljev


21 & 22. October
15:00/16:00 h


Promenade concert (World Premiere)

In the “Hamburger Bahnhof” – Museum of the Present, Berlin
as part of the Walter-Benjamin-Festival

Co Streiff, alto saxophone
Wu Wei Sheng, Chinese mouth organ
Jan Schlegel, electric bass
Christophe Dufaux, accordion
Peter Schärli, trumpet
Hans Koch, bass clarinet
Seth Josel, electric guitar
Christian Gerber, accordion
Anna Stark, violoncello
Sara Hubrich, viola
Mokkapan Phongphit, violin
Josa Gerhard, violin
Marco von Orelli, trumpet
Tomás Ondrusek, percussion
Dominik Dolega, percussion


13 May
18:00 - 23 h

hohles schleifen, helles aufschmettern

“Sound particle” for 1 mobile percussionist (World Premiere)

Academy of the Arts Berlin

As part of the Döblin Night
»oppositionell, wie ich einmal bin …«

Robyn Schulkowsky, percussionist


25 June
20:00 h


Music for 2 string instruments and window

“Artport” Gallery, Berlin

Josa Gerhard, violin
Benedikt Bindewald, viola



30 June
15:00 h

ojota l

“ojota l” (1997) for 1 percussionist and 5 pairs of shoes made of leather, wood & iron

Randspiele Zepernick

29 July
4:30 h


Open-air sound-event to accompany the sunrise (World Premiere)

Hitzacker Summer Music

Enrico Stolzenburg, direction
Peter Schärli, trumpet
Hans Koch, saxophone
Adam Weisman, percussion
as well as brass players and marching bands from around the region

24 August


Open-air procession by 15 composers (World Premiere)

Rümlingen Festival

Performers: musikFABRIK – New Music Ensemble,
Brass bands from around the region

29 September – 20 October


International master class with: Penelope Wehrli,
Lauren Newton, Fred Frith, Calixto Bieito,
Christiane Pohle and Ruedi Häusermannn

2 – 6 October
17.00 h - 22.00 h


University of the Arts Berlin in cooperation
with HAU Berlin

A music theatre journey south of Berlin inspired by JULIO CORTÁZAR
(World Premiere)

3 – 8 June
19:30-24:00 h


University of the Arts Berlin in collaboration with the HAU Berlin

A music theatre journey south of Berlin
inspired by JULIO CORTÁZAR
(new production)

30 January
22:00 h


for cor anglais, bass flute and percussion (World Premiere)

Ultraschall Festival Berlin


Cathy Milliken, oboe
Dietmar Wiesner, flute
Robyn Schulkowsky, percussion

24 – 26 April
23:30 h/ 16:00 h


Witten new chamber music festival

Enrico Stolzenburg, direction
Wolfram Kleiner, electronics
Ralf-Werner Kopp, trumpet
Brass group of the Folkwang University of Essen
Firebrigade Band
Neptun Canoo Club and others

23, 26, 30 May & 1, 3, 4 June
23:30 h/ 16:00 h


Music Theatre (Premiere)

Stuttgart State Opera Zeitoper

Stefan Schreiber, musical direction
Daniel Ott, Xavier Zuber, direction
Gregor Scholz, set
Thomas Unthan, costume and set assistance
Bodo Gottschalk, lighting
Barbara Tacchini, Xavier Zuber, dramaturgs

Michaela Schneider, Tereza Chynavova, Leandra Overmann/ Trine Oien, Tom Lane, Karl-Friedrich Dürr, Boris Burgstaller (Schauspiel Stuttgart)

and members of the Stuttgart State Orchestra

19 June/ 20 June
23:30 h/ 16:00 h


Music theatre about STEPS | SHOES | PATHWAYS (first performance of a new version)

Vidmarhallen Großer Saal der NTG, Bern

Daniel Ott, direction

Ursula Maria Berzborn, set and costume
Ulrich Kerkmann, lighting
Caroline Scholz, vocal training

Elena Kakaliagou, Anja Füsti, Megumi Tabuchi,
Eva Burghardt, Lisa Seidel-Kukuk, Virginia Arancio,
Elisabeth de Merode, Julien Paillard, Pascal Viglino,
Tom Lane, Lefteris Veniadis, Andreas Edelblut,
Stephan Lohse

15 October – 21 November


International master class with: Candice Breitz, César Brie,
Philippe Gaulier, Christina Kubisch, Michael Lentz,
Josef Anton Riedl and Jurij A. Vasiljev

13 – 14 August


Collective composition by Lukas Berchtold, Helmut Lemke, Urban Mäder, Daniel Ott, Kirsten Reese, Enrico Stolzenburg (World Premiere)

Festival Rümlingen

For landscape, actor and singer/speaker, loudspeaker and loudspeaker controllers, light-sources and light-controller, wind games and wind player, bull-roarer and “Geisslechlöpfer” (Swiss whip-instrument), “Treichler” and bicycles, alp-horns and accordions, bass clarinet and baritone saxophone, trumpets and trombones.

30 August

beschleunigung. lokhalle 9/04

Spatial composition for the Göttingen locomotive hall for 23 mobile musicians (2nd performance)

Linien – ein Festival für Neue Musik

Co Streiff, saxophone
Christophe Dufaux, accordion
Jan Schlegel, bass
Ensemble of Swiss, Berlin und Göttingen musicians

10 September

fragment für carona. mit einem gruss an mina

for clarinet, bass clarinet, percussion, electric piano

La Via Lattea 7, Carona (Ticino, CH)

Ensemble Babel, Direction: Olivier Cuendet


10 – 12 September


Collective Composition with Kirsten Reese, Erwin Stache, Zoro Babel und Enrico Stolzenburg (World Premiere)

Eisenach and surrounding area

6 – 8 May
20:00 h

sound performance for a landscape of the Ruhr with waterfall, 5 percussionists,
2 electric guitars and audio tape (World Premiere)

Daniel Ott, composition and musical directory
Enrico Stolzenburg, direction
Wolfram Kleiner, sound and electronics
Christian Dierstein, Brian Archinal, Miguel Martin, Victor Suarez, Yuriko Sekiguchi, percussionists
Silvia Ocougne, Seth Josel, electric guitars

spacial composition for an oil painting of the landscape of the Ruhr, bass clarinet,
baritone saxophone and audio tape (World Premiere)

Daniel Ott, composition and musical directory
Enrico Stolzenburg, direction
Wolfram Kleiner, sound and electronics

Marcus Weiss, baritone saxophone

Ernesto Molinai, bass clarinet

Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik (Witten New Chamber Music Festival)


4. Juni
21:00 h


participation as musician
Nunzia Tirelli, direction

Villa Argentina Mendrisio (CH)



6 September – 2 October


international master classes with:

Hans Wüthrich, LIGNA, Constanza Marcas, Bernhard Leitner, Muriel Gerstner and Douglas Irving Repetto



12 January
20:00 h


for percussion and audio tape

Christian Dierstein, percussion

Konversatorium Bern (CH), Großer Saal


13 January
20:00 h


for percussion and audio tape

Christian Dierstein, percussion

Kulturhaus Helferei, Zürich (CH)


16 & 17 June
15:00 h - 19:00 h


for fontaines, percussion and loudspeaker (UA)

Dörte Siefert, Mai Phuong Tran, Christoph Baathe, Marco Lambertz, percussion
Matthias Meyer, Marcus Thomas, sounddesign
Julia Hundt,  Leila Semaan, Franziska Riedmiller, sound-assistenz
Wolfgang Mayer, transports

Founded by Pro Helvetia.

in cooperation with the institute for musik and musicology of the university Hildesheim

KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen, Hannover

30 June
17:00 h


Spacial installation for Sophiensaele with bass flute, English horn and percussion

Dietmar Wiesner, bass flute
Cathy Milliken, English horn
Robyn Schulkowsky, percussion

Sabine Hilscher, stage design

Judith Klapper, video

Founded by inm. Initiative Neue Musik e.V., Pro Helvatia and Schering Stiftung.

Many thanks to Neuköllner Oper, Radialsystem V, Rundfunkchor Berlin.

Sophiensaele, Berlin


12 May
17:00 h


room-composition for akkordion, e-guitar, percussion, 4 voices, 3 Paetzold-flutes and  4 strings

NUMEN, Cathédrale Lausan


21 January
17:00 h


for percussion and audio tape

Christian Dierstein, percussion

Festspielhaus Baden-Baden in Museum Frieder Burda


17 March
17:00 h


for percussion and audio tape

Christian Dierstein, percussion

Berliner Festpiele | MaerzMusik 2013, Radialsystem V


5 May
17:00 h


for percussion and audio tape

Christian Dierstein, percussion

museum schloss moyland


9 May
17:00 h

room-composition for akkordion, e-guitar, percussion, 4 voices, 3 Paetzold-flutes and  4 strings

NUMEN, Jesuitenkirche Luzern


20 May
17:00 h


room-composition for akkordion, e-guitar, percussion, 4 voices, 3 Paetzold-flutes and  4 strings

NUMEN, Leonhardskirche Basel


18 June
17:00 h


room-composition for akkordion, e-guitar, percussion, 4 voices, 3 Paetzold-flutes and  4 strings

NUMEN, Münster in Bern


15 – 24 August
20:00 h/ 18:00 h

Ton & Tal

Valli & Intervalli

Wie klingt die Schweiz? Eine Expedition.

Ensemble Ton&Tal:
Shirley Anne Hofmann (Euphonium, Trompete, Akkordeon), Co Streiff (Altsaxophon), Hans Koch (Sopransaxophon, Bassklarinette), Peter Schärli (Trompete), Balthasar Streiff (Trompete, Alphorn, Büchel), Samuel Stoll (Horn, Alphorn, Büchel), Stephen Menotti (Posaune), Hans Hassler (Akkordeon, Klarinette), Christophe Dufaux (Akkordeon), Marcel Oetiker (Schwyzerörgeli), Christoph Brunner (Schlagzeug), Christian Dierstein (Schlagzeug), Benjamin Brodbeck (Schlagzeug)

Annette Schmucki, Urban Mäder & Daniel Ott (ganze Tour) – Mario Pagliarani (Chiasso), Michael Riessler (Altdorf) & Jonas Kocher (Wasen i.E.) – sowie Ruedi Häusermann, Heinz Holliger, Andreas Schett, François Sarhan, Wael Sami Elkholy, Benjamin Brodbeck & Siegfried Friedrich (Musik für eine Jahrmarktorgel)

Festival Rümlingen Airolo – Altdorf *Alpentöne* – Luzern – Alpnach – Schüpfheim – Wasen i.E. – Langenthal – Rümlingen – Augst

12, 13, 14 September
20:00 h/ 18:00 h


a piece of Richard Maxwell (UA)

direction: Richard Maxwell, music: Daniel Ott, stage design: Sascha von Riel, costume design: Romy Springsguth, dramaturgy: Stephanie Gräve

Theater Basel


14 September
20:30 h


room-composition for akkordion, e-guitar, percussion, 4 voices, 3 Paetzold-flutes and  4 strings

NUMEN, Grossmünster Zürich

28 May
20:00 Uhr

6/7 – gare du sud

ensemble kontur basel

Remo Schnyder, Saxophon | Karoline Öhmann, Cello | José Navarro, E-Gitarre

Mit Werken von Alex Buess, Thomas Lauk, Daniel Ott und Rico Gubler und Texten von Ruth Schweikert, Jürgen Theobaldy und Guy Krneta

IGNM Basel – Gare Du Nord, Basel

30 May
19:30 h

6/7 – gare du sud

ensemble kontur basel

Remo Schnyder, saxophone | Karoline Öhmann, cello | José Navarro, electric guitar

Kontrapunkt |Seven musicl and literary commentaries on current events

Dampfzentrale Bern

1 June
15:00 h

1/6 – wasserturm I – III

for woodblocks und brassinstruments (UA)


PULSE-AUSSEN:stadtmusik, Wasserturmquartier, Berlin

10 June
19:30 h

6/7 – gare du sud

ensemble kontur basel

Remo Schnyder, saxophone | Karoline Öhmann, cello | José Navarro, electric guitar

Kontrapunkt | Seven musicl and literary commentaries on current events

Palazzo Liestal

11 December
19:00 h

Metabolic Office Battle (MOB)

with Manos Tsangaris and Daniel Ott

Schwindel der WIrklichkeit

Akademie der Künste Berlin, Hanseatenweg 10

15 December
19:30 h

ojota 1 (New version)

for 5 pairs of shoes (1997/2014)

Christian Dierstein, percussion

zwielicht.stromaufwärts for Ado Müller

Festival Rümlingen 2014

27 April
20:00 h

hohles schleifen, helles aufschmettern

Robyn Schulkowsky, drums and percussion | Joey Baron, drums and percussion | Christian Tschuggnall (Guest), drums und percussion


Heimathafen Neukölln, Berlin

17 May
17:00 h


for percussion and audio tape

Christian Dierstein, percussion

Künstlerhaus Boswil (CH), Alte Kirche

20 May
20:30 h

20/5 fragmentos

for trumpet and steeldrums

Robyn Schulkowsky,  steeldrums | Reinhold Friedrich, trumpet

TonalÁtonal 4/2015

Auditorium Altena, Goethe-Institut Mexiko, Mexico D.F.

23 May
18:00 h

20/5 fragmentos

Auditorum INDEX, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporanéo, Mexico D.F.

24 May
19:30 h

24/5 Sonnenuntergang (premiere)

landscape composition

for trumpet, hunting horn and wind section

Ralf-Werner Kopp, trumpet |  Svenja Trosin, horn
members of the hunting horn wind section Hercynia and the trumbone choir Quedlinburg

Gondelteich Friedrichsbrunn/ Thale (Harz)

3 June
19:30 Uhr

6/7 – gare du sud

ensemble kontur basel

Remo Schnyder, Saxophon | Karoline Öhmann, Cello | José Navarro, E-Gitarre

Kontrapunkt | 7 musikalische und literarische Kommentare zum Zeitgeschehen

Musikpodium Zürich

4 & 5 September
15:00 h

Phantom Synchron – Soundtrack Weimar

musicians and associations and groups from Weimar and around

Daniel Ott, Sebastian Quack, Kirsten Reese, Enrico Stolzenburg

Kunstfest Weimar

Inner City of Weimar

29 – 30 August
17:00 h

Kreise ziehen – Kanons aus sieben Jahrhunderten  

musicians and associations and groups from Weimar and around

Daniel Ott, Sebastian Quack, Kirsten Reese, Enrico Stolzenburg

Kunstfest Weimar

Inner City of Weimar

12 & 13 September
17:00 h


landscape composition for a frontier

Daniel Ott,composition | Thomas Peter, electronics | Enrico Stolzenburg, direction

Contrapunkt Chor, students of the Musikhochschulen FHNW Hochschule für Musik Basel

ZEITRÄUME BASEL bIennale for new music and architecture 2015

Meeting point: Zoo Basel, main entrance, admission 5.00 – 5.15 h

19 September – 11 October


Workshops with Alvin Curran, Gob Squad, Gintersdorf/Klaßen, Clemens Sienknecht und Ursula Biemann. Lectures with Josephine Ann Endicott, Rabih Mroué and about Vivienne Newport.
University of Arts Berlin

4 March

9/5-6/3 (premiere)

composition for space

Ensemble Improcontra | Yvonne Troxler, piano | Egidius Streiff, violine | Sylwia Zytynska, percussion

musicschool northsouth Luzern

11 March


composition for space

Ensemble Improcontra | Yvonne Troxler, piano | Egidius Streiff, violine | Sylwia Zytynska, percussion

music akademie basel

22. March


composition for space

Ensemble Improcontra | Yvonne Troxler, piano | Egidius Streiff, violine | Sylwia Zytynska, percussion

new york symphony space

28 May – 9 June


munich biennale – festival of new music theatre works

artistic direction: Daniel Ott and Manos Tsangaris


20 August
08:30 h

Sampuogn-Schlag 9 (premiere) landscape composition

with singers from different regional choirs, the Treichler of the Greiflervereinigung Ingenbohl-Brunnen and students of the Hochschule für Musik Basel (percussion-class of Christian Dierstein)

Daniel Ott / Enrico Stolzenburg (2016)

festival rümlingen 2016

at the hillside with a view towards Kilchberg

10/11 December

Le Rocher du Bock. Fortress Europe. A panorama.

Until 1867, the fortress of Luxembourg was the “Gibraltar of the North”. Daniel Ott, Enrico Stolzenburg and hundreds of young UGDA musicians are transforming the Bockfelsen into a sounding panorama in the festival rainy days, a symbol of this powerful Europe, whose coast is currently struggling for hundreds of thousands, seeking refuge or dying on its way there. The audience is in the court of the Neumünster Abbey, wind orchestral ensemble surrounds the Bockfelsen, the Petrusse becomes a sea, a tumultuous sound contrasts with small movements and sound actions from the casemates, from the top, from the gardens, from the river. Numerous drummers bring the local materials to the sound, loudspeakers open up an association area of ​​demonstrations in Germany, Greece, Ceuta and Melilla over police suits, muezzin calls and water noises up to Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Morse Code: “Everyone has the right to To seek asylum in other countries before persecution. ” What is Europe today? An “island of the blessed” or a rescue boat?

landscape composition

Daniel Ott / Enrico Stolzenburg.

Le Rocher du Bock, Luxemburg

27 May
18:30 h

Ausflug ins Gebirge

music for a space

Daniel Ott / Manos Tsangaris

Collegium Novum Zürich
Kantorei Niederurnen (musical production: David Kobelt)
Berat Aliji, Arjan Arifi, Muhamed Tashi | torklift truck


21 June
18:30 h

Stadthaus I-III, aussen statt innen (premiere)

concept and composing: Daniel Ott

concept, direction, electronics: Enrico Stolzenburg

Musikkollegium Winterthur, direction Thomas Zehetmair

With Stadtmusik Winterthur (direction Fredi Olbrecht), Musikschule Prova, Konservatorium Winterthur and Jugendmusikschule Winterthur and neighbourhood


03 September

Mittelland ist abgebrannt  – eine West-Ost-Passage (UA)  

landscape compostion

composing: Daniel Ott

direction: Enrico Stolzenburg
dramatic adviser: Malte Ubenauf

Niedersächsischen Musiktage


2 – 12 June


munich biennale – festival of new music theater

artistic direction: Daniel Ott and Manos Tsangaris


17 & 18 August


In Szene – 7 landscape operas

With premiers of: Peter Ablinger, Mauro Hertig, Ruedi Häusermann (SE), Clara Iannotta, Mischa Käser, Barblina Meierhans and Manos Tsangaris.



Spatial composition for 2 saxophones, 3 guitars,
2 double basses and 4 percussionists.
World Premiere: Lübeck, 1999

On request
20. – 30. June


Festival for actuell musiktheater at seven places

Artistic direction: Daniel Ott, Manos Tsangaris

From Lienz in Osttirol over Stams, Schwaz, Hall, Landeck, Altfinstermünz to  Insbruck.

29. June


Concept and composing: Daniel Ott
Direction, concept, electronics: Enrico Stolzenburg
Texts: Der Ewige Landfriede, Glurnser Lied, Konrad Celtis
Conduction and musical rehearsing : Daniel Waldegger, Duri Janett, Maria Pardeller, Cla Duri Janett-Vital, Pasquale Bonfitto, Katharina Mayer, Jon Flurin Kienz, Remo Schnyder

With: Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin, Musikkapelle Nauders, Società da Musica Tschlin, Cor masdà Tschlin, Società da Musica Ramosch, Cor masdà Valsot, Chor Nauders / Reschen, Freiwillige Feuerwehr Nauders, Oberländer Landsturm Silz, Bergrettung Nauders, Jungkrampusse Nauders, Jägerschaft Nauders

Alwin Chemelli (Banner)



17. August


Composition, concept: Daniel Ott


14./15. September


for clarinet, accordion and brass instruments

With: Musikkapelle Nauders, Società da Musica Ramosch, Musica Condordia Ardez, clarinet: Domenic Janett, accordion: Hans Hassler


16. November



“Echo” in the church of Rümlingen

9. November/ 10.November
17:00 h/16:00 h


concept and composing: Daniel Ott, direction: Enrico Stolzenburg

Sinfonieorchester Münster, Musikhochschule Münster and Westfälische Schule für Musik

In the context of 100 years of Sinfonieorchester Münster

20. November
19:00 h


Daniel Ott: Fin al Cunfin (Auszüge, 2019, DE)
Saxophone: Remo Schnyder

Talk, moderator: Julia Gerlach, in English language

Akademie der Künste Berlin

21. August (UA) 22., 28.,29. and 30.8.
20:00 h
B free (UA)
A music-theatre-production by Theater Marabu and fringe ensemble
Composition and musical direction:: Daniel Ott
Artistic direction: Frank Heuel, Tina Jücker, Claus Overkamp
Direction wind ensemble: Paul Hübner
Equipement: Annika Ley
Performance, music: Paul Hübner (trumbone), Arturo Portugal (drums), David Fischer, Justine Hauer, Julia Hoffstaedter, Bettina Marugg, Andreas Meidinger
Further contributers: Melina Delpho, Beate Fuhrmann, Paule Hellmann, Ralph Hutter, Stina Jahn, Carlotta Josephs, Birgit Klein, Joshua Koch, Ulla Kuipers, Carlotta Laumann, Morgane Liebe, Andreas Limbach, Jey Lo-Ciudice, Nele Marggraf, Arnulf Marquardt-Kuron, Anette Mock, Paulina Mock, Brigitte Nellinger, Sonja Nellinger, Alex Preis, Sophia Reifenrath, Milena Rheindorf, Friedhelm Roth-Lange, Susanne Wagners, Anne Wichtmann, Patricia Wolf as well as Jagdhornbläser der Jägerschaft Bonn e.V. under the direction of Hans Peter Passmann
A production under BTHVN20
Kottenforst, Bonnt

10. April
20:00 h
6/7 gare du sud, 2020 (UA)
Version 2020, for bassclarinette, harpe, violine & violoncello
ensemble proton bern, conductor: Matthias Kuhn
INMM Darmstadt – Tagung 2021 – online conzert

23. – 25. April
Schwesterpark Fragmente (UA)
Permeable intervention for trumpet, steel drums, voices ad libitum
Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik
Pferdebachstraße, Schwesternpark, Witten

11., 12., 13. June 18., 19., 20. June
18:00 h
B free
A music-theatre-production by Theater Marabu and fringe ensemble
Composition and musical direction: Daniel Ott
Artistic direction: Frank Heuel, Tina Jücker, Claus Overkamp
Direction wind ensemble: Paul Hübner
Equipement: Annika Ley
Performance, music: Paul Hübner (trumbone), Arturo Portugal (drums), David Fischer, Justine Hauer, Julia Hoffstaedter, Bettina Marugg, Andreas Meidinger
Further contributers: Melina Delpho, Beate Fuhrmann, Paule Hellmann, Ralph Hutter, Stina Jahn, Carlotta Josephs, Birgit Klein, Joshua Koch, Ulla Kuipers, Carlotta Laumann, Morgane Liebe, Andreas Limbach, Jey Lo-Ciudice, Nele Marggraf, Arnulf Marquardt-Kuron, Anette Mock, Paulina Mock, Brigitte Nellinger, Sonja Nellinger, Alex Preis, Sophia Reifenrath, Milena Rheindorf, Friedhelm Roth-Lange, Susanne Wagners, Anne Wichtmann, Patricia Wolf as well as Jagdhornbläser der Jägerschaft Bonn e.V. under the direction of Hans Peter Passmann
A production under BTHVN20
Kottenforst, Bonn

19. September
10:00 - 13:00 h
after Robert Walser

Composition and musical direction: Daniel Ott

Elias Menzi, dulcimer; Töbi Tobler, dulcimer; Goran Kovacevic, accordion; Paul Hübner, trumpet; André Meier, trumpet; Till Künkler, trombone
Wind and percussion players of the Brass Band & Jugendmusik Rehetobel
Rehearsal: Marianne Zähner, Cathrin Züst, Benjamin Markl

Admission to the Robert Walser Walk: 10.00 to 13.00 in Wald/Appenzell Ausserrhoden (AR) // The walk leads via Rehetobel to Heiden, SEESTÜCK takes place between Kaienspitz and Heiden.

A production as part of the Rümlingen Festival from 16 – 19 September


16. October
DONAU / RAUSCHEN Transit & Echo (UA)
Landscape composition by Daniel Ott, concept, composition and Enrico Stolzenburg, concept, feeds.

Rehearsal Christian Dierstein, Philipp Eschbach, Christian Feierabend, Paul Hübner, Jessica Metzler, Daniel Ott, Guiseppe Porgo, Florian Reis, Remo Schnyder, Alexander Wassylenko

Accordion Marie Bridonneau, Hugo Degerro, David Maksimović, Inga Piwowarska, Dannong Wu, Tizia Zimmermann; Electric guitar Thilo Ruck, Christian Wernicke; Percussion Ying Chen Chuang, Christian Dierstein, Alexandre Ferreira Silva, Joe Kenney, Noah Rosen, Mikołaj Rytowski, Petro Tavares, Santiago Villar; Trombone Stephen Menotti, Peter Stelzl, Gerhard Wolf; Saxophone Salvatore Castellano, Miguel Rodrigo Fernandes de la Fuente, Krisztian Notheisz, Pattranant Pliensakul, Eguzki Irusta Salles, Remo Schnyder, Kristof Toth, Marcus Weiss; Trumpet Domokos Horváth, Mátyás Fieszl, Paul Hübner, Lutz Mandler, László Reményi, Dávid Szalkay, Anita Tóth
Musikverein Aufen e.V. Conductor Florian Reis, Musikverein Grüningen e.V. Conductor Guiseppe Porgo, Musikkapelle Neudingen e.V. Conductor Jessica Metzler, Feuerwehrkapelle Pfohren e.V. Conductor Alexander Wassylenko, Posaunenchor Ev. Kirche Conductor Philipp Eschbach, Stadtkapelle Donaueschingen 1827 e.V. Conductor Christian Feierabend
Donaueschingener Musiktage
Rathausplatz & Donauquelle, Donaueschingen

16. January
10:30 - 11:00

16/1 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s stalactite machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops musical interventions into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passage of time is made tangible.

Jonathan Shapiro (drums)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA

6. February
10:30 - 11:00 Uhr

6/2 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s stalactite machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops musical interventions into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passage of time is made tangible.

John Eckhard (double bass)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA


27. February
10:30 - 11:00 Uhr

27/2 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s stalactite machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops musical interventions into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passage of time is made tangible.

Jana de Troyer (saxophon)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA


27. March
10:30 - 11:00

27/3 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s stalactite machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops musical interventions into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passage of time is made tangible.

Thilo Ruck (e-guitar)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA


10. April
10:30 - 14:30 Uhr

10/4 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s Dripstone Machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops various sound actions. For the duration of the exhibition, short interventions by various instruments (drums, double bass, saxophone, electric guitar) will be heard on various Sundays at 10:30 a.m., which on the last day of the exhibition will condense into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passing of time over a longer period of time can be experienced.

Jana de Troyer (saxophon) / Jonathan Shapiro (drums) / Thilo Ruck (e-guitar) / Moritz Baerens (double bass)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA


6. – 8. May

Schwesternpark Fragmente (UA)


Permeable intervention for trumpet, steel drums, voices ad libitum

Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik

Pferdebachstraße, Schwesternpark, Witten

10. June (UA)
11., 12. June 20:00h

Berlin westhafen – umschlagplatz klang (UA)

hafenbecken I+II

Composition and artistic direction: Daniel Ott; Direction: Enrico Stolzenburg; musical direction: Jonathan Stockhammerl; musicians from KNM Berlin, Ensemble Kaleidoskop, Ensemble LUX:NM, Ensemble Mosaik, Sonar Quartet, ZAFRAAN Ensemble, Ensemble Adapter and guests.

A production of KULTURKONTAKTE e.V., production management: kultkom

Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin, Pro Helvetia and inm berlin in cooperation with BEHALA.

Westhafen Berlin

14. October
16:00 Uhr (opening)

Zusammen Fluss (UA)

Daniel Ott / Enrico Stolzenburg
Permanent installation – Acoustic sculpture

A production of the Donaueschinger Musiktage 2022

Donaueschingen | Donausprung