16. January
10:30 - 11:00

16/1 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s stalactite machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops musical interventions into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passage of time is made tangible.

Jonathan Shapiro (drums)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA

6. February
10:30 - 11:00 Uhr

6/2 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s stalactite machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops musical interventions into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passage of time is made tangible.

John Eckhard (double bass)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA


27. February
10:30 - 11:00 Uhr

27/2 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s stalactite machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops musical interventions into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passage of time is made tangible.

Jana de Troyer (saxophon)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA


27. March
10:30 - 11:00

27/3 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s stalactite machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops musical interventions into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passage of time is made tangible.

Thilo Ruck (e-guitar)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA


10. April
10:30 - 14:30 Uhr

10/4 – Sound action for the stalactite machine

Based on the sound and rhythm of the falling drops of Bogomir Ecker’s Dripstone Machine in the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Daniel Ott develops various sound actions. For the duration of the exhibition, short interventions by various instruments (drums, double bass, saxophone, electric guitar) will be heard on various Sundays at 10:30 a.m., which on the last day of the exhibition will condense into an imaginary musical “stalactite machine” in which the passing of time over a longer period of time can be experienced.

Jana de Troyer (saxophon) / Jonathan Shapiro (drums) / Thilo Ruck (e-guitar) / Moritz Baerens (double bass)

Commissioned by the Hamburger Kunsthalle and supported by Pro Helvetia

Hamburger Kunsthalle – FUTURA


6. – 8. May

Schwesternpark Fragmente (UA)


Permeable intervention for trumpet, steel drums, voices ad libitum

Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik

Pferdebachstraße, Schwesternpark, Witten

10. June (UA)
11., 12. June 20:00h

Berlin westhafen – umschlagplatz klang (UA)

hafenbecken I+II

Composition and artistic direction: Daniel Ott; Direction: Enrico Stolzenburg; musical direction: Jonathan Stockhammerl; musicians from KNM Berlin, Ensemble Kaleidoskop, Ensemble LUX:NM, Ensemble Mosaik, Sonar Quartet, ZAFRAAN Ensemble, Ensemble Adapter and guests.

A production of KULTURKONTAKTE e.V., production management: kultkom

Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin, Pro Helvetia and inm berlin in cooperation with BEHALA.

Westhafen Berlin

14. October
16:00 Uhr (opening)

Zusammen Fluss (UA)

Daniel Ott / Enrico Stolzenburg
Permanent installation – Acoustic sculpture

A production of the Donaueschinger Musiktage 2022

Donaueschingen | Donausprung